
Construction Dumpsters

"I need dumpsters for my construction site."


Residential Dumpsters

"I really need a dumpster for my home project."

A Smile Guarantee

"What can we do to make you smile?

The best dumpster rental companies will offer an absolute guarantee! Dumpstr Xpress offers a 100% guarantee that if anything happens that is not to your total satisfaction, we will instantly ask... “What can we do to make you smile?”

Here's Proof

A Google Review

"Hands down the best dumpster service I’ve used. They use a texting service to request dump and returns, which made things so much easier. Very responsive, and had next day service every time!"

Seth | On Google

A Google Review

"Needed a dumpster for a home remodel. When I called they helped me identify the right size dumpster and deliver it just a day later. The house has a covered driveway but they were able to slide it under. I was able to text with the staff with any questions about pickup and they responded quickly. I would highly recommend this dumpster company and will use them again on my next project." Peterson

A BBB Review

"Dumpstr Xpress was awesome! They were competitively priced. They delivered my dumpster the next day and picked it up quickly when I called them. I was in constant contact with the office and felt like I got a good value." Stephanie

A Facebook Review

"Showed when promised and the driver was great at putting it where I needed it. They were very professional and I will differently use them again" Al