Phoenix Dumpster Rental Near Me

10 Yard Dumpster

One of the most frequently asked questions that we receive is how much space do I need for a truck and a dumpster. The trucks that we have are approximately 35 feet long from the front to the back. And then we have got the container. This is a 10 yard container. The basic dimensions are 8 feet wide, 16 feet long, and about 2 1/2 feet high. They are really great for small projects. They fit in most driveways and are for small clean ups.

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40 Yard Dumpster

People frequently ask about dumpster size. They say, "Hey, I need one of those big ones." This is our big one. This is a 4 cubic yard container. The truck is about 35 feet long. The container is 22 feet long - front to back. It is 8 feet high, 8 feet wide, and 22 feet long. It is for a big job. If you seriously have a hoarder on your hands - if you have a serious construction project - this is the one for you.
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What can we do to make you smile?

The best dumpster rental companies will offer an absolute guarantee! Dumpstr Xpress offers a 100% guarantee that if anything happens that is not to your total satisfaction, we will instantly ask... “What can we do to make you smile?”
woman smiling

Homeowner Dumpsters

Locally Owned and Operated in Phoenix for over 15 years!

QUICK & EASY: We will help you find the right sized dumpster for your project and have it delivered promptly.

CONVENIENT: We will deliver and pick up the dumpster based on your needs, activities, and plans - involving little trouble or effort to you.

AFFORDABLE: You will find us to be well priced with our competitors. What you won't find, is them offering the same kind of superior service.

Fix and Flip Dumpster Package
The best dumpster size suited for most fix and flip projects.
Flooring Dumpster Package
To get rid of your bulky mix of flooring options we have the special Flooring Package
Roofing Dumpster Packages
When getting rid of asphalt and cedar shake shingles.
What Can Go in a dumpster
Be confident with what may  and may not go in a dumpster you rent.

A guide to renting a dumpster


A Smile Guarantee

"What can we do to make you smile?

The best dumpster rental companies will offer an absolute guarantee! Dumpstr Xpress offers a 100% guarantee that if anything happens that is not to your total satisfaction, we will instantly ask... “What can we do to make you smile?”

Here's Proof

A Google Review

"They were great! The dumpster showed up on time and was picked up when it was supposed to. I even had to extend the time, and it was no problem. The follow up was great too and I highly recommend them!"Kim | On Google

A Google Review

"I was surprised and appreciative of the personal attention and service versus the normal automated calls/messages from other businesses. Will definitely use in the future and recommend to friends/family in need of their service."Steven | On Google

A Birdeye Review

"Very professional, polite and timely. After calling for weeks to dumpster rentals and not having one call returned and another rental company try to charge me $100 drop off fee, I was beyond thankful to find Dumpstr Xpress."Jessica | On Birdeye

A Facebook Review

"Showed when promised and the driver was great at putting it where I needed it. They were very professional and I will differently use them again" Al | On Facebook
Phoenix Valley Dumpsters to rent for your home.

Quick and easy, convenient, and hassle-free!
