Fix and Flip
Dumpster Package

The best dumpster size suited for most fix and flip projects is our 40 yard container that includes:

    • Next Day Delivery (Need today? Call us.)
    • 14 days of rental
    • 4 tons of weight available in this dumpster
    • 40 Yard dimensions: 8 x 22 x 8

    Tight Schedule

    Fix and Flippers are on tight renovation schedules and you don’t have time to worry about if you can get rid of the debris easily, quickly, with no hassle and on budget. That is where we, Dumpstr Xpress, come in. You will get all your dumpsters delivered and picked up when you need it so you can keep creating great living spaces for the residents in the Phoenix Valley.

    A Fix and Flip Experience

    My wife Susan and I watched all the shows, went to the seminars and found ourselves wanting to do a project for ourselves. We are both involved in the greater Phoenix AZ real estate markets. Susan is a realtor and I am in the trades. In other words, it was the right time and right place!

    Greatest Challenge

    However, the actual learning curve was exponentially higher than we expected. Perhaps the greatest challenge was assembling our first team. At first it seemed that everyone was either too busy or did not want to get involved with “rookies”. It became obvious that every game has its own language and we apparently did not possess the nuance! We did however discover a special group of people… a unique mixture of industry professionals and mavericks with an extensive range of talents and a defined grasp of the big picture.

    Finding Connectors

    We also found the “connectors” - those people that had the magic list of contacts, AND were actually excited to share those resources with us!

    For instance, Michele at Dumpstr Xpress was one of those very special people - the lady with the outstanding dumpster service also had a wealth of knowledge about people and companies that were excited to work with us “rookies”.

    Worth the effort

    In conclusion of our “first season” we met great people, we worked our butts off, we learned a ton about fixing and flipping houses, we acquired a new-found appreciation for the professionals that make this process look so easy. Ultimately, we made some nice cash and are still infected!

    We are looking forward to “season two”!

    Dumpsters serving the Phoenix, Arizona Valley!

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      10 yard dumpsters are great for getting rid of inert waste.
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